
Our students impress again at public speaking competition

Three groups of students had further success at recent public speaking competitions.   


At Sir William Borlase's School in Marlow, Year 10 students Alina T(Chairperson), Sophie M (Speaker) and Robert G (Questioner ) and Year 11 students Katie L (Chairperson), Katherine W (Speaker) and Lars M (Questioner) impressed the judges with an array of public speaking skills when they confidently challenged six other teams at the English Speaking Union Churchill Public Speaking Competition.  The Year 11 team was one of two teams to advance to The Regional Finals, which will take place in March.


At the Rotary Youth Speaks Competition in Aylesbury, Year 9 students Jasmine C (Chairperson), Margaux L (Proposer) and Fraser A (Opposer) engaged in an animated debate to the delight of the judges and audience. Competing against six other schools, they earned second place at the competition with Margaux receiving the trophy for Best Proposer.


Congratulations to all the students involved for their outstanding commitment and courage!


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